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Sapphire Collaborative is Matthew Perosi and George Blair IV

Ecommerce Website Design

Should I have an ecommerce website?

This is one of the most frequent questions that we get from potential customers and customers that have been online for a few years. If you've had a website for a few years, then yes, it's time to migrate over to ecommerce for both the mobile and desktop version of your website.

If you're building your first website, then we suggest waiting until you get your feet wet before diving into that deep end of online product management and customer service.

Here are some things to think about regarding ecommerce:

Do you buy online yourself?
Think about the types of things you buy online. Very likely you realize that even though and are great websites, there are thousands of would-be great idea-driven sites that are struggling because they don't know how to market themselves.

Amazon, OverStock, and many other websites are profiting from every day sales, but their customer numbers fluctuate every day just like in a brick-and-mortar store. They spend a lot of time marketing themselves on social media, through direct marketing, and SEO to keep their customers coming back.

Successful ecommerce sites are only successful because they have a lot of marketing.

If you find buying online to be a modern day convenience, then it's time to offer that same convenience to your own customers, but your profits will be in the long term repeat customers, not the one-off buyers, and that means continual marketing to maintain customer awareness.

Your success will only come if you are willing to advertise your website.

Are you willing to make it work, and be committed?
If you've weighed you options, figured out your budget and needs, and are ready to go, then we're here to help. Nothing in business is guaranteed, and we can't say that an ecomemrce website will help you, but it's the modern day business necessity for retail stores.

Do you have someone who can dedicate their own fulltime efforts into the site?
Don't make the mistake so many other businesses do. In order to sell online you will need someone on staff dedicated to maintaining and marketing it. Maintaining the inventory and pricing on an ecommerce website is time consuming and there's no way to full embrace the ecomm possibilities unless you have the time to manage it yourself or an employee that will work on it several days every week.

Ecommerce Website Pricing

Monthly Service Contracts

We offer monthly all-inclusive service contracts tailored to your specific needs. With those all-inclusive plan we maintain and add content to the website for you in addition to the technical tasks of keeping your website online and running smoothly.

Ecommerce can be added to any of our service plans and is included for customer paying $500 or more per month.

Our service plans are designed to replace or supplement the work that your employees would do. Read more about them here.

All of our monthly service contracts include tech support, refresher training, new employee orientation training, content updates.

We could also help with marketing ideas, social media management, Google AdWords, and Facebook Ads as part of your monthly contract.

Without Service Contract

Website Installation$1730
First Hour Training$100
Ecommerce Training$40
Mobile Website Training$35
Total Setup Cost$1905
Your website will be set up with sample content pages, a blog, product catalog, mobile website, and SEO management features.

Jewelry businesses will also have jewelry education pages added to their site and have a jewelry specific product catalog.

The first hour of training will get you started, followed by ecommerce and mobile website management training, then you'll be able to work through our training videos on your own.

Yearly Hosting

Hosting With Monthly Contracts
Website hosting and email service is included with all our new monthly website service contracts. Depending on your service level we will provide shared IP address hosting on our servers in Arizona or dedicated IP address hosting in our New Jersey server room.

Monthly service customers also have automatic daily backups of their websites and databases.

We also provide private servers and virtual private servers for websites with a lot of traffic along with redundancies to make sure those websites stay active.

We expect our monthly service contract customers to grow, and we have the experience and technical capability to provide for that growth.

Hosting Without Monthly Contracts
Daily Backups$419.40
We only offer hosting plans with daily backups to our ecommerce customers. After all, don't you want your sales data backed up daily? Hosting is paid yearly with the starting date set to the day we finish the setup for you. Hosting prices are subject to change yearly.

Restoring a backup is a manual process. Restoring a backup after user error or content loss (i.e. accidental page deletion, or wrongful edits) will reset all data back to the last backup date. There is a $200 service fee to retrieve and restore backup files.

Email service is not included with our yearly hosting plans. Email service price changes yearly and it could be as much as $60/year for 5 email accounts with unlimited storage.

Other Ecommerce Costs

Potential Costs With Monthly Contracts
Website Tech Support, per incident: included
Initial Content Transfer included
SEO Transfer $400
Merchant Services, per month $30
PCI Compliance Testing, per month $30
SEO Module Training included
1-Time SEO Service, after site is live $1000

SEO and other online marketing services are optional, but otherwise we include a lot of labor in our monthly contracts so you don't have to hire another employee to manage your website.

Potential Costs Without Monthly Contracts
Website Tech Support, per incident: $10
Initial Content Transfer quoted rate
SEO Transfer*$1900
Merchant Services**, per month$30
PCI Compliance Testing***, per month$30
SEO Module Training, one hour$30
1-Time SEO Service, after site is live$2000

Everything here is optional. You are paying for a DIY website and you will have the tools to maintain the website on your own.

* The SEO Transfer also includes us creating 301 redirects so you don't lose search engine ranking.

** Your merchant account must use, otherwise you can use PayPal for your ecommerce checkout process.

*** Your bank and merchant account provider will require you to have your website tested for PCI compliance. We will make recommendations for who to use for this service, which is about $30 per month.

Call 888-872-0274 To Get Started Today!

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