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We're Not Your Normal Web Programming Company

We're Not Your Normal Agency

First off, don't try to classify us because it can't be done.

• You could call us website programmers, but that would be egregiously wrong.

• You could call us website designers, but you'd be so off base that it's not even funny.

• You could call us a business consultant, but even that is tough to pigeon hole us into because of how many ways we collaborate with different people to that help make your business grow, and give you your life back.

• You could call us a business coach, but most coaches never roll up their sleeves and dive in like we will.

Many businesses find us because they are looking for a reputable website programming company. This is an okay place to start. We can help you with a new website and a long term plan of what you can do with that website.

We're all about building businesses using website technology and other technologies. We also don't want to replace people with technology, but rather we want to give you and your employees the tools to amaze your customers.

Let's Talk About Websites for a Moment...

In your search for the best website company, you've probably heard many of them tell you how many pages your website will have, how many products it could have, and if it will be custom designed or use a template.

You've probably heard a lot about something called SEO, online marketing, mobile websites, and programming languages.

Seriously though, how much of that stuff matters? Do you ask the newspaper company how they print their newspaper or what type of pulp they use to make it? Of course not, you only want to know how many people read the paper.

Do you ask the billboard company if the billboard is made from steel or wood? Or if it will still be standing after a major storm? Of course not, all you want to know is how many people drive by the sign.

Do you ask the radio station what type of antenna they have and how many watts they transmit? Of course not, all you care about is how many listeners they have.

What we want to know is what's the conversion rate from readers and listeners to actual customers in your store? This is something you WILL need to figure out, and we can't offer you our 25% Business Growth Guarantee unless you do have these numbers.

Our question to you now is...

How many people do you want to visit your website, and how many of those do you want to walk in your store? Our technology, our process, and our training are all pretty cool, and advanced, and gets people.