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Monthly Service

We're all about the service.

Throughout this website you'll find various prices for individual services. We've itemized these prices to help you understand how the cost of your website will grow over time. Those with the best intention to maintain a DIY website usually realize that maintaining it can't be done without outsourcing a lot of the work.

Although you offer the DIY website setup for those who want to get their feet wet, we also have monthly service contract that cover all your needs. We look at what you need today and how you will need to grow, then we quote you a monthly retainer fee to cover everything.

Our hope is to establish a starting point and move you through various services that you need along the way, changing them up as needed for your benefit.

Using this approach you are not locked into a single service contract, but a smoother, multi-service contract that permutates as needed every month without nit-picking you for more money.

Most of the ideas we publish through our jWAG education service are accounted for in one of our monthly service plans. You can ramp up or ratchet back the amount of included services at any time.

You can view our all inclusive monthly websie and online marketing plans here. Our general website DIY maintenance plans are here. Our SEO pricing and description are here.

Is Website Hosting Included?

Monthly ServiceYes, hosting is always part of our baseline Plans. But that's technology stuff that you shouldn't have to worry about, and shouldn't need to learn about. All you need to care about is that your website will be up and running when it's important, that there are backups, and that software upgrades will not destroy your website like you may have already experienced with WordPress, Magento, or PHP.

We limit the number of websites hosted on each of our servers in our world class server farm in Arizona. We use the Junior CMS as our underlying technology in order to avoid the technology issues with PHP systems like WordPress and Magento. You can also rest assured that your website will not break when we make routine technology upgrades that are included in all of our monthly retainer service plans.