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This is where you should start for a better tomorrow.

Start Here -- Where do you fit?

When talking to our customers, we frequently hear one of the 12 expressions you see in the wheel below.

The Jeweler's Wheel of Business NeedsClick on the expression that resonates most with you.

Throughout the following pages of this website we've outlined your starting point and the objective you would like to achieve over the next 12 months.

Be honest with yourself as you review these options and we'll help you reach those goals through our collaborative efforts.

Just figure out where you fit, and review our recommendations.

Give us a call at 973-413-8211 when you are ready and we'll see if you are a good candidate for our service program.

Click here to find out how we can help you with basic consulting.
Click here to see how we can hlp you getting started from scratch.
This is where you should click if you've failed with previous online attempts and are committed to doing it right.
Click here if you are confused by the new world of advertising and need to be rescued.
Click here if you are you willing to start small with a DI website and grow into one of our bigger service plans?
Click here if you need us to help you over the long term so you can concentrate on running your store.
We might be able to help you start with a short term plan, but you need to really plan for the longhaul.
Click here if your sales are okay, but you would like them to be better.
E-commerce is tough. Click here to navigate the waters of online sales.
Click here to explore what it would take for you to become the local 800lb guerilla!
Click here if you work too much and want to enjoy your evenings.
When was your last vacation? Click here to let us help you take one this year