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You can relax at home at night while we work on your jewelry website

"I want to relax at home at night."

There comes a moment when everyone realizes that work time is not as important as free time. Seriously, there is no sense in working yourself to death. Since we started helping jewelers in 2003, we've learned that there are two types of retail owners who fall into this category: those who reported “okay” store sales and those who reported "good" store sales. Naturally the words "okay" and "good" were relative for their store size and don’t represent specific yearly volume of sales. Those jewelers were not looking to achieve the next financial tax bracket, they just wanted to enjoy the life that they had built for themselves. We helped them achieve that goal by freeing up the time and worries they used to have with their website.

Achieving your need for a better lifestyle and relax at home at night is something we often hear from jewelers who reported "okay" or "good" sales and were not intentionally looking to achieve the financial tax bracket.

If you find yourself identifying with those jewelers then we need to lower your business worries and free up your time. Your online identity needs to match what you say and represent in person, and your business practices need to be changed to give you that desired free time.

To accomplish all of this we will have to work with you a lot through many areas of your business. You will need online help, marketing help, support help, and some staff training. We can offer you our 25% Profit Increase Guarantee at this level if you are willing to commit in writing to what we will do for you, and what you will have to do too.

Please note that you might need to hire a dedicated employe to work with us, or you assign one of your more tech savvy employees to work with us.

The first step will be the design and layout of the website, and get the initial content of your website uploaded. If you have an existing website we will set up 301 redirects for your old pages so you don't lose Google ranking.

We'll figure out the best way to get your inventory loaded onto your website. We can upload it from your point of sale software, or through Excel spreadsheets. This will allow your customers to browse your entire in-stock inventory online.

The monthly support we offer here will require regular communication with your employee. We'll probably need to give them procedure training for social media engagements that they would then teach the rest of your staff. We'll also teach that employee how to use s a few of the more elaborate features of the Junior CMS website software so they can make changes if they want to, but we are here to help you maintain the basics.

As always, this service level gives you access to the latest Junior CMS software that will make editing your site easy. We maintain the software without you needing to worry about it; we also guarantee that updates to the software will not break your website.

On a monthly basis we collaborate with you, your employees, and even your other service vendors to find the recommendations that help to build your business and give you that free time at night.

This proposed monthly service is designed to be flexible, and we can either create new professionally written monthly content or provide additional update help for your website maintenance.

You will have to set aside some time every month to go over your monthly reports with us. Inside these reports we will discover what's working and what's not working. If you are interested in out 25% Profit Increase Guarantee ten you will also have to send us sales reports and in-store customer tracking reports. We'll pull all that information together into usable business intelligence for you.

Managing your online social engagements is a huge time commitment. Even a small amount of social involvement can easily turn into huge amounts of "lost" time. This certainly is not helpful for the goal of relaxing at home at night. For this reason, when we are helping you achieve this personal goal, we post to your social accounts on your behalf monthly.

But don't think that this is enough, we're simply going to post the latest content and photos socially, but we will have to show you how to engage with the customers who reply to what is posted. Sure, we could reply on your behalf and just take over your social media account, but social engagement is much more profitable when you or one of your staff actually does it yourself.

We also don't like to randomly share status updates or photos to social media, instead, we prefer to share something which will bring your customers back to your website. To do this we will add extra new content to your website every month, at lest 2 new pages that might appear as a blog post, a newsletter, or a designer line page.

This fresh content is then shared socially and it makes your website more interesting for your customers. We share this type of content to Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.

To really help build social involvement we will also setup and run a website contest (rather than a Facebook contest) for you once every 6 months. The contest will be a mix of social interactions and website visitor traffic which gives you plenty of new opportunities to sell.

So far, to achieve this personal goal, we've mentioned a lot of different things that we implement for you. Several people from our staff will be working with you at one time, and to make sure the website has the best Google visibility we will assign an SEO expert to make sure your website has the best SEO visibility. This expert will monitor the basic SEO of your site and monitor to make sure all those website updates will be correctly viewed by Google.

Lastly, we recommend that you or your employee get yourself a smartphone if you don't already have one because it’s always good to view your website like many of your customers will.

Please note that this service combination shows how you can achieve that free time off in the evening, but we only guarantee a 25% Profit Increase if you agree to participate in our strict procedures.

There's no contract term, but you must pay for at least 13 months before you're allowed to download a copy of your website.

This service level includes a daily backup plan for your website.

Please call us at 973-413-8211 for more information.