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Ready to build an e-commerce jewelry website

"I'm ready to try e-commerce."

Activating e-commerce on a jewelry website does not guarantee online sales. In fact running an e-commerce website will take a lot of time and effort. Jewelers have come to us saying they were "ready to try e-commerce" without fully understanding the time and effort it would take to be successful. We always explained what it took to just "break even" in the first year before they would make a profit in their second year. We've found that jewelers who weren't dissuaded by our cautions were also reporting either "okay" or "good" in-store sales, and they felt that an e-commerce website was the proper next step for their business. They were willing to make the budget commitment in hopes that their store would grow.

Before you even consider e-commerce we need to first warn you that most jewelers do not have profitable e-commerce websites without fully committing to the labor, security, and advertising budget that are required to make it profitable.

Jewelers who previously wanted e-commerce felt it was the next step in growing their business, but then realized they were not at all ready for it.

We also need to then warn you that selling online does not guarantee that you will be able to relax at home at night, or take a long vacation this year. In fact you will probably put a lot of extra time into your website during the initial setup phase.

We also need to warn you right now that your e-commerce website will be competing with companies like BlueNile, Amazon, eBay, Kay, and Jarad and in order to compete you will need to have features on par with what they have. Those online shoppers expect smooth running website that have become standard with e-commerce websites.

Those smooth running websites are user friendly, well designed, content rich, photographically beautiful, and were built with search engine optimization in mind. Put all those pieces together and you have a 9 month setup process. Sound crazy? It's not.

Furthermore, after launching your website it will probably take about 12 months before you become profitable. So ask yourself, do you have the stamina to sink money into an e-commerce website that won't be profitable until 21 months from now? If you do, then here's what we would do for you...

Our e-commerce plan is called the Jade Plan which will provide you with all the tools for e-commerce, the online marketing support, the tech support, training, business process collaborations, and social media training, and content building.

The Jade Plan has the ability to upload directly from your point of sale, or through Excel spreadsheets. Naturally we also provide the typical level of monthly support to keep your website updated. We will set up the design and layout of the website, and get the initial content of your website uploaded. If you have an existing website we will set up 301 redirects for your old pages so you don't lose Google ranking.

On a monthly basis we will update your on a predetermined schedule that we work together to create during the onset of our time working together and then again after the launch of the website. You always have the ability to edit your site on your own, but we're here for you to help you maintain the basics.

The Jade Plan provides the latest Junior CMS software that will make editing your site easy. We maintain the software with our guarantee that updates to the software will not break your website.

The support that we bundle into this collaborative plan includes our professional website advise, online marketing design, customer analysis, and online marketing placement analysis. We're here to answer your calls when you have questions when you have potential ideas.

As part of the continual updating of your website we will build rich new content for your ever month. We will ass at least 2 new pages to your site that will be uniquely yours. Unlike other "blog writing" services who write a single bog every day and share it with hundreds of jewelers, everything we write is used only by you. This is what Google wants, and we must follow their guidelines in order for your website to rank in search results.

Our service and support also includes monthly website reports.
One of the methods of achieving e-commerce success is to understand how your users are interacting with your website and shopping cart. Google Analytics provides tracking methods so you can look at how customers used the site, then make changes based on those findings. We will set up Google Analytics e-commerce tracking, goals, and A/B split testing on your website and monitor it monthly. We're also going to add video tracking software to your website that your users won't know about. This will show you exactly how people are using your website and how to continually tweak it to achieve better sales.

All these these tracking methods help determine the quality of your landing pages and how well website visitors like your website. Appropriate changes will then be made to improve your website after discussing our findings with you. All of this monitoring, tweaking, and ongoing updates to your website are included in our service fees because we know this is best for your visibility in Google.

Throughout the year there will be a need to change the content on your website based on holidays like Mother's Day and Christmas. These changes can be preprogrammed into your website using the Content Swap feature within the Junior CMS. We take your information weeks or months in advance and pre-program them to appear on time.

Google AdWords Remarketing is a type of online pay per click online advertising that only shows ads to people who have been to your website. We like to use this type of AdWords because it keeps your monthly marketing costs way down. There is a downside though because it also limits your ads to only show to people who have already been to your website. You can show ads to for a year to people will visit your website through organic SEO methods.

Google AdWords is just one of the ad methods we could use for you, but there's also Facebook Ads that can remarket to people who have visited your website.

Although our monthly service includes the management of AdWords and Facebook Ads, it does not include the media buy that you will have to spend. You should budget about $1000 per month for the months of March - October and $4000 per month for the months November - February every year. The media buy will be paid directly to Google and Facebook and we don't take a commission on it.

You will have to get yourself a smartphone if you don't already have one. You will also need the best possible quality of photos for your website, which means you will probably need a new camera and a lightbox to take the photos in. We will collaborate with you to get the photos takes correctly, and efficiently. Don't worry, we've got solutions to make photography easy!

Lastly, even though we will be doing a lot of work for you, there will be a lot of ongoing maintenance in order to make this work. We encourage you to hire a full time employee to work with us.

If you really want to do this correctly then you need to commit to it from the beginning. We have an initial contract term of 18 months.

This service level includes an hourly backup plan for your website.

Please call us at 973-413-8211 for more information.