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When you want with your jewelry website

"I want long term help."

All businesses go through uncontrollable financial cycles and when this happens you might not have the full budget to dedicate to your website. These jewelers also had low sales and low budgets due to the financial cycles but were asking for long term help. They knew they could save money by managing the basic website on their own, but yet they also know that they needed to grow the site somehow through a slow and stead pace that they were not involved with.

Jewelers who have the will, but only a minimal budget usually ask us how they can manage their website, but also keep us involved long term.

For this situation we recommend our most basic monthly service Plan, but also provide some added value to the services we offer. Our Lapis Plan is a do-it-yourself website plan where we set up the design and layout for you, but after that you will have to add all the content on your own, and maintain it monthly.

The Lapis Plan gives you access to the latest Junior CMS software that will make editing your site easy. We maintain the software without you needing to worry about it; we also guarantee that updates to the software will not break your website.

We will provide content building services for you as part of the extra value added service. On a monthly basis we'll add at least 1, potentially 2 extra pages to your website. It all depends on how long the pages are.

Over a long, term this extra content will grow your website and boost your search visibility without you needing to be involved. You can ramp up any services at any time.

There's no contract term, but you must pay for at least 13 months before you're allowed to download a copy of your website.

This service level includes a once-a-month backup plan for your website.

SEO management features are built in, but you have to manage those yourself too.

Please call us at 973-413-8211 for more information.