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You can take a long vacation this year with the time we save you

"I want to take a long vacation this year."

Everyone has different personal goals. Sometimes the goal is to relax after work, and sometimes it's to enjoy weekends with family and friends. Some jewelers have told us that they want to have enough time "to take a long vacation this year." We've heard this from jewelers who also reported that their store sales are "okay" or "good." Just like the jewelers who wanted "to relax at home," these jewelers also wanted to be freed from any thoughts about their website. They just wanted it to work, and work well.

Enjoying your time off in a better lifestyle of traveling is something we often hear from jewelers who reported "okay" or "good" sales and were not intentionally looking to achieve the next financial tax bracket. They simply want to make all their hard work worth it.

In order to do this we need to help you free up a lot of your time and give you the best chances to increase your sales. We are recommending our Amber Plan with a lot of support and online marketing. Those services will create an online ability for customers to free interact with you, and it will create a socially engaging online presence.

The Amber Plan has the ability to upload directly from your point of sale, or through Excel spreadsheets. This will give your customers the ability to browse your entire in-stock inventory through your website. Managing your online inventory and interacting with customers online will take a lot of time.

Managing you online inventory should not be a task you take on yourself if you want that vacation. Inventory management really is something that can be automated into a repeatable process.

We're also going to need a dedicated employee to work with our staff and to the online collaborative efforts that we establish. We will take care of a lot of your monthly updates, but your employee will always have the ability to edit the site too.

Working with your employee, we will continually explore different ways you can improve the daily routines in your store. Think of us a value added service providers with the experience to identify where you are unnecessarily spending time and money in your store, and how it can be improved.

As part of our implementation process we will set up the design and layout of the website, and get the initial content of your website uploaded. If you have an existing website we will set up 301 redirects for your old pages so you don't lose Google ranking.

The Amber Plan gives you access to the latest Junior CMS software that will make editing your site easy. The software is safely maintained and we guarantee that updates to the software will not break your website.

The level of support we provide here gives you the freedom to tap into our experienced jewelry marketing advice and receive our feedback on whether you are doing something right or wrong. This includes either helping, or creating, your traditional media marketing.

Our support has the flexibility of either new professionally written monthly content or additional update help for your website. We will also provide monthly website reports.

Managing online social engagements takes a lot of time. A 5 minute social update could easily turn into 60 minutes when customers engage you.

You will never free up enough time for your vacation if you are directly involved with social, which is why it's so
important to have your employee do this for you. We are building extra content for you every month which will appear as either a blog post, newsletter, or extra information.

This extra content isn't simply content to fill space on your website, it's well thought out, unique content just for you. We do not share the same content across hundreds of jewelers like our competitors do, but that also why this type of service is such a premium.

We then share that fantastic content to your social networks. The goal is to get customers to click and return directly to your website. We typically share website content to Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest.

The ability to have a parallel running mobile website is a standard feature with all the website we set up, but it takes an extra effort to really make the mobile website run smoothly, which we will do for you under this program.

Want more social buzz? We're going to run a website contest (rather than a Facebook contest) for you once every 6 months. The contest will be a mix of social interactions and website visitor traffic which creates a lot of buzz and gives you plenty of new opportunities to sell.

Several people will be working on your website every month and not everyone is an SEO expert. For that reason we will assign someone to review your website monthly to make sure the ongoing updates to your website will be correctly viewed by Google. We will also help tweak your Landing Pages and work with your other advertising people to make sure you have an online message that matches your offline ads.

We're suggesting a lot of rapid ongoing changes to your website which might be time sensitive throughout the year. For this reason we will probably implement the Content Swap feature within the Junior CMS. This allows us to pre-program information days, weeks, or months in advance and they will appear on time.

Lastly, we recommend that you or your employee get yourself a smartphone if you don't already have one because it's always good to view your website like many of your customers will. You can also use the smartphone to check in on your website while you are traveling the world.

Please note that this service combination shows how you can achieve that vacation, but we only guarantee a 25% Profit Increase if you agree to participate in our strict procedures.

There's no contract term, but you must pay for at least 13 months before you're allowed to download a copy of your website.

This service level includes a daily backup plan for your website.

Please call us at 973-413-8211 for more information.