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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine OptimizationThe typical website optimization process provided by other companies begins with an evaluation to look for the everyday average problems that plague websites. SEO professionals typically include reviews of "404 Error pages," "Robots.txt files," and "keyword research;" but we don't include those things as an "extra SEO service" because they are already included in the service we provide when we're on retainer.

If you hire a local independent SEO professional they will have to spend time and research learning your business, and learning what you would need to make your website stand out. For us, we get that research from jWAG without needing to charge you for the initial SEO learning curve.

Our content management system, the Junior CMSM, has a ton of built-in SEO features based on Google's ongoing recommendations. When Google mentions that a website "should have xyz feature" we usually take them seriously and build that new feature into the Junior CMS quickly.

Because the Junior CMS makes it easy, we only offer SEO services to our customers using it. We do offer in-depth analysis for websites that we don't host or otherwise maintain.

The SEO features in the Junior CMS are easy enough for you to manage on your own, or you can hire someone local to do it for you.

Our services are designed to maintain and improve the content and pages on your website. Website growth requires continual work by many people, but those people many not understand what is good and bad for SEO. That's where our services come in; we make sure your website is properly tuned for the search engines.

Find out more about our online marketing services by clicking here.