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Online Marketing for Retail Jewelers

Online Marketing

This Stuff Pulls You Ahead of Your Local Competitor

We've put together these online marketing services based on research, testing, and previous results. Through these services we marry your online experience to your retail store.

  • Setup Google Webmaster Tools
  • Setup Google Analytics on your website
  • Fine out best ranking strategy
  • Long term SEO Plan
  • Ongoing page fixes so improving SERPs
  • Ongoing blog content fixing based on how blog posts are indexed by Google
  • Ongoing website content and image fixing based on visibility in organic SERPs
  • Fixing of Google penalties, error pages, overhead pages, sitemaps, robots, URLs, & 301s
  • Analysis, fixing, and A/B testing of Landing Pages
  • E-commerce SEO

Our Different Approach to SEO.

Drastic continual changes in Google require continual SEO strategy changes. Google Penguin and Panda force all websites to be written well and transparent with how service is provided.

Without continual monitoring of your website you won’t know if it's working or not. Our SEO services are good for keeping content, products, and page structure in line so you get you the best possible ranking and customer experience.

Nothing magical here; just a lot of hard work. The Junior CMS has all the SEO tools you will need to maintain this on your own--if you want to--otherwise we make it easy for you. Oh, and this lists is vague because the technical side of search engine optimization changes daily. So we're only giving you the basics here.

We don't itemize our exact SEO tasks like other companies do. Instead we follow the daily, more advanced suggestions from

Targeting Customers With Online Ads

Google AdWords is a very effective method of targeting your customers. We keep up to date with the continual changes Google makes to the AdWords features so your results are optimized.

With our service you'll always see what you pay Google monthly rather than paying us an all inclusive fee that hides the media buy from you.

Specifics of our AdWords service:
  1. Target specific customers for specific topics.

  2. Increase traffic to your website so your website can convert them to customers. You website should be optimized before AdWords begins.

  3. We charge our own service fees and then you pay Google directly for the advertising clicks. That way you see exactly how your money is being spent.

  4. Individual setup fees apply to every Text Campaign topic and every Banner Campaign topic. Monthly fees will be discounted when you have more than 3 Banner/Text campaigns running.

      Plans available for
      AdWords Text Ads
      AdWords Banner Ads
      AdWords Remarketing
  • Initial keyword topic assessment
  • Long term ad plan
  • Ad artwork creation
  • Develop landing page for topic
  • Setup ad tracking
  • Monthly reporting
  • Monthly ad evaluation & updates
  • Limited to a single topic, multiple topics, or banner campaigns

A/B Testing

Your website is never really complete. You need to keep working on it to improve your conversion rates, lower your bounce rates, and overall increase your sales. But other than simply watching the daily sales reports, how do you know if your website efforts are getting better?

The answer is A/B Testing, and with it you can create 2 variations of the same web page and test how your website visitors respond to the different variations and whether or not they will take a particular action you want them to take.

This A/B Testing process is a service we provide many of our customers because, without it, you really are shooting blind in the dark of website design and development.

User Session Recording

Most popular tool used to track and measure website results is Google Analytics, but there are a few others that really provide amazing business intelligence.

We use a few user tracking features that allow us to generate heatmaps, clickmaps, and actual recordings of how people moved their mouse around your website.

We take this sophisticated user tracking systems it to make your website more user friendly. Those user friendly website usually lead to longer visits and more sales.

There are 3 different types of user tracking we offer.

1. We have a system that will create a heatmap and clickmap for 1 page at a time on your website.

2. We use a basic user tracking software to monitor the mouse movements and where someone clicks on your pages.

3. We have a more advanced method of tracking the size of the screen someone is using and how they move and click their mouse.

Ask your Frontline Officer for more information about this particular service.

Online Marketing Suite

It's usually easier to think of your online marketing as a culmination of everything explained above. After all, "Online Marketing" really isn't just one type of marketing, but rather an all inclusive term.

We've also found that online marketing needs to morph from one type of task to another on a monthly basis. One month there might be a lot of updates to your website SEO, but then your SEO settings might not need to be updated the following month.

Should we be charging you for SEO work on a month when we do none? We don't think it's fair, and we certainly don't understand how so many SEO agencies get away with this practice and still be able to sleep at night.

Our concept of a "Marketing Suite" is a holistic approach to everything needed to pull you ahead of your local competitor.

From month to month we will evaluate which method of online marketing needs work, and we work on that. Everything is labor intensive and sometimes we will split our time between different jobs for you.

The service we provide every month will include details of how we allocate your online marketing, and the options are very flexible.

      Typical Online Marketing Services
  • SEO Website Tune-up
  • Product designer content building
  • Product management
  • Content Building
  • Social Network Sharing
  • Mobile Website Tune-up
  • Personal Shopper Page
  • Social Photo Sharing Lesson
  • URL Shortening & Tracking
  • Website Contests
  • Pinterest Pinning
  • QR Codes
  • Review Cards
  • Reporting