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How Can Jewelers Save Time and Increase Business?

Time Savers

We know that your time is valuable, and that you have a lot of responsibilities running your store. Unfortunately, there is also a significant time commitment needed for maintaining your online identity. By "identity" we're talking about the all inclusive website, social media, location based services, and engaging the new generation of tech savvy jewelry consumers.

All businesses, not just retail jewelers, are faced with the dilemma of the choices of hiring an employee to be online manager, hiring an agency to attempt to manage the work, or letting their online identity flounder. A single in-house employee usually doesn't have the full skill set needed to fully manage the multitude of online aspects. The help a typical advertising agency or website agency can give your is limited to the information you provide. And that last option of letting your online identity flounder, we'll that shouldn't be an option at all.

We take an entirely new approach, and it was designed to save you time.

We follow trends, we pay attention to simple dates on the calendar, and we work with your vendors on your behalf to get the latest advertisements and information for your website, without you needing to be involved.

We source inventory information and photographs for your website, and we get them loaded into your online catalog.

We also build the content needed to keep your website fresh so people will keep coming back.

Saving even more time...

The next step in your time saving is to conduct either an in-store evaluation or hold a series of live video conferences and telephone calls to help you review your typical daily repetitive pain points.

What's a "pain point"?

It's something that you do so routinely that you now consider it to be best way of doing that task, without realizing that their might be a better way. Admittedly, sometimes those b"better ways" might also mean an investment in new equipment or technology, but that's not always the case. Either way, we'll explain what the advantages are, evaluate the cost and the long term benefit.

As part of the time saving evaluation we usually find ways to speed up the way you do things. This doesn't mean we're going to tell you to replace an employee with a machine, but rather, retrain your employees to work smarter.

Some examples of previous solutions include:
• Employee training to speed up the process of managing your online identities
• Employee training to improve how your website is updated
• Using more efficient methods, other than continual phone calls, of notifying customers when their repairs are completed.

We've implemented dozens of different process methods to create better workflows. Saving a simple 10 minutes every day eventually adds up to 50 minutes per week and 3 hours per month, and 40 hours per year. That's a full work week, and that could be a vacation for you.

Imagine the possibilities.