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What We Do

What We Do

We stimulate your business growth by unblocking your business roadblocks.

We'll help you be true to yourself.

Let's face it, we all create roadblocks for ourselves without even realizing it. We all get set in our daily routines and before long we start to think that "this is the way of the world" and things are never going to change.

Have you ever heard yourself say "this is just how it is" or maybe an employee has said "that's just what we do here at our company"?

Those phrases are classic examples of business practices that don't make sense to an outside observer, but for some reason you keep doing them over and over again. Just because your grandfather ran the business one way it doesn't mean that's still the best way to run the business today.

The origins of the Sapphire Collaborative started way back in 1994 when one of our owners, Matthew Perosi, created his first website for a customer. Our other owner, George Blair IV, joined in 2003 when we first entered the jewelry industry as a website programming company. During our tenure working with small businesses and jewelers, our two company owners have built more than 1000 websites, 500 of which were for retail jewelers, jewelry manufacturers, jewelry designers, and other jewelry service companies. But the core values and philosophy was never to simply create a website and send customers on their way like other website programming companies do.

Our core philosophy has always been how to make the websites better, update them all the time, and make them more profitable. After all, internet technology is supposed to make the lives of the business owner less stressful, right?

So what do we do?

In the years leading up to 2003, our CEO was the president of a "Value Added Computer Reseller" whose mission was to make business easier for clients who wanted new computers, websites, and computer networks.

That value added philosophy was carried over to the Collaborative staff was trained to always ask how to make things better for everyone involved. Not just the customers we work with, but the vendors and customers of our customers.

At our core is a wonderful website software system. It's called the Junior CMS, and you should think of it as a full featured business application you use online, just like you use your inventory management or point of sale (POS) software in your store.

Some POS companies offer business consulting and training to help you get the most out of their software, and that is similar to what we do, but with one difference...

For customers who sign up with our full service plans, we don't "offer" that business consulting and training as an "extra service" because that IS our service.

Working with the Sapphire Collaborative means you are committed.

If you are working with us it's because your business needs help and you are willing to fix the business by really opening up to different approaches.

You might also work with us if you have tried other ways of marketing yourself online and off, but nothing seems to be working, and you're wasting money.

Still trying to figure out what we do?

We're going to start with a new business strategy. Build a website to match it. Show you how the online software can help you with different aspects of daily business, and tie into your marketing.

We're going to provide the needed training for you and your employees so you can target your audience more accurately.

And if you are really committed to doing it right, we're going to show you what it takes to create business growth, but you have to be willing to do it.

Are you interested to find out if you qualify for our program? Please read the How It Works page first and then give us a call at 973-413-8211 or use our Contact Us page to send us an email.

In simplistic terms we build you a new website that will e the cornerstone of your business, then we show you how to use it to connect with many other aspects of your jewelry store operations. Over time this process grows your profits when you use the technology correctly