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I want to put the jeweler down the street out of business

"I want to put the guy down the street out of business."

Jewelers have actually told us that they want to put their local competitor out of business. Sometimes they were serious and sometimes they were just joking. We've had a few laughs when answering this question, but it is surprising how often the question does come up.

Retail jewelers are often faced with the reality of competing against big stores like WalMart, Costco, BJ's as well as manufacturer retail stores like Pandora and Swarovski. Those stores threaten the existence of the independent retail jeweler with their big advertising budgets and well known brand name.

None of our customers have ever actually attempted this, but we've included details of how we believe it could be achieved.

This might be an unrealistic goal, but if you want to try, you will need to completely flood your local market with your name, face, and your brand. This will take a lot of time and effort, and perhaps more than a year of heavy online advertising.

To start, we will become your collaborative team that works closely with your advertising team. If you don't have an advertising team, or agency, then we can facilitate that need.

Our monthly service would have to start with a complete evaluation of how you do things, with the goal of figuring out what sets you apart from your competition. Once we evaluate that, we'd give you a large plan that includes in-house training, process flow improvements, a new website, online marketing, offline marketing, emails marketing, and paid online ads. The media buy for the online ads would not be included in our monthly service fees.

Your advertising team (us and your normal agency) would need to look at your competitor's advertising methods in order to work up a plan to differently position yourself in your local market. Perhaps you should read a few books on marketing to sharpen your skills. This will truly be a team effort and take a lot of time.

You will need a smartphone so you can understand how customer interact with your competitor online and so you can replicate that same experience. Your interaction through mobile devices on a local level is important to establish goals for your advertising team.

The jewelry photography you have online will need to be dazzling. You can't settle for simple image on white background... every photo needs to tell a story that connects with the potential buyer. You will need your own in-house lightbox and camera, but more importantly, you need to have a photographer and local photo shoots with real models. We will collaborate with you to get this done correctly.

Even though we will be doing a lot of website work for you, there will be a lot of ongoing maintenance and rapid changes to keep your customers engaged with you daily or weekly. You would have to hire a full time employee that will work with us. Actually, if you count the offline advertising person, the models, and the photographer you will probably need to hire 6 people other than us in order to make this work.

This is really a broad overview of what we would do, and this process would qualify for our 25% Profit Increase Guarantee Growth Program, but we can't guarantee that your competitor would go out of business.

This service level includes an hourly backup plan for your website.

Please call us at 973-413-8211 for more information.

The cost to attempt to put your competitor out of business could be as much as $62,400 for the first year, not counting the labor cost for all those extra people and employees, the smartphone cost, and the media buy for the online ads.

If you become the "800 pound gorilla" in your town will you make that money back if you manage to shut them down?