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Sapphire Collaborative is Matthew Perosi and George Blair IV

Website Pricing

These are the prices for us to set up a basic website for you. We handle all the technical aspects, and give you sample content pages to follow. Initial training is included so you can start adding your own content and products easily without ever worrying about the technical or design headaches.

DIY Website
Starting at $1595
Contact for exact quote
Choice of design
Website Installation
First hour training
Sample content pages
Blog setup
Product catalog
Mobile website
SEO management features

Technical support
$10 per incident

Hosting $419.40/yr
with daily backups
Hosting $299.40/yr
with weekly backups

DIY Ecomm
Starting at $1905
Contact for exact quote
Choice of design
Website Installation
First hour training
Sample content pages
Blog setup
Product catalog
Mobile website
SEO management features
Customer accounts features

Technical support
$10 per incident

Hosting $419.40/yr
with daily backups

Full Setup
Starting at $10,000
Contact for exact quote
Choice of design
Website Installation
GlitterPaw training
Initial content setup
Blog setup
Product catalog
Mobile website
SEO management features
Customer accounts features
1-time SEO Review
SEO Transfer
Testimonial module
Social network buttons
and automatic links

Technical support
$10 per incident

Hosting $419.40/yr
with daily backups

Hosting plans are available either with weekly backups for $299.40 per year or with daily backups for $419.40 per year. Please note that ecommerce sites require the daily backup hosting level. Most clients choose daily backups anyway.

Website backups
Our weekly and daily backups are created as single, very large, zip files. For the weekly backup service we store the backups within the same server room location as your website, but not the same server. For the daily backup service we also store the backups within the same server room, but we also maintain once-per-week off-site backups for the least 4 weeks.

These backup files are usable for catastrophic restore of the website. Restoring individual files or databases is available for an extra service fee.

More extensive backup service is available if you need live backups or faster restore of lost files.

Additional website options
We offer several additional website setup options, like the Articles Module, Contest Module, Newsletter Module, home page sliders, timed content, and a lot more. Specific training for each module is also available.

Most of our customers do not utilize those extra fancy features until they are ready and have grown into them, so we don't detail them on our website. We usually explain them during our initial telephone call.

The right column shows the typical website service we provide to our clients. With that service we also transfer the content from the old site into the new website design. During the transfer we will review the SEO of the old site and use 301 redirecting to help Google correctly find your new website. We will further tweak the SEO settings once the website goes live.

We also transfer full product catalogs if we are upgrading from a previous version of the Junior CMS, otherwise we will provide a quote to perform a product import from CSV or Excel sheets.

Want ecommerce?
Make sure to read the full details on our Ecommerce Website Design page.