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Sapphire Collaborative - click to return to home page Hire a Google Street View Trusted Photographer for a 360 virtual tour

Sapphire Collaborative is Matthew Perosi and George Blair IV

Website Design Template 19

Plenty of photography options in this website template design

Photography will be key with this design. One of the hidden features will allow you to insert a different photo as the background of each page. This will allow you to use ghosted photos behind your written content. The resulting look is very impressive when used correctly.

The main navigation appears at the top as tabs. Each tab leads to a subset of links or tabs that will appear directly below the main tabs. This type of navigation does get a little cumbersome on sites with large navigation trees.

This website design uses media resizing to allow the site to slightly resize itself for different size desktop computers and tablets, but the mobile version is designed for thumb tap use.

View Live Example

Template 19
Sample Home Page
Click to enlarge.

Template 19
Sample Designer Line Page
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Template 19
Sample About Us Page
Click to enlarge.

Template 19
Sample Staff Page
Click to enlarge.