The best way to get your business found online is to publish as much information to the internet as possible. This includes posting new things to your website all the time, posting photos to social media, sharing links from your website to social media, getting customers to write reviews about you, and correctly maintaining your own business information across the web. A lot of what was just mentioned takes time and effort. Content publishing and correctly maintaining your website is a never ending process that requires writing skills, photography skills, and some understanding of the never ending changes in search engine optimization. Putting all that work aside for a moment, one of the easiest ways to boost your chances of discovery within Google is to update your business information through your Google My Business interface. Google allows all businesses to have free listings within their networks, and they often populate your business information in their network when they find you somewhere else online. Sometimes this information is wrong, but Google doesn't know that until you correct it. Although updating your business information is easy to do, many business owners don't have the time to learn how to use the Google My Business interface. That said, there are a few not-so-obvious things that a business should do to improve the chances of a ranking bump. We offer a one-time professional service to tweak your Google Business listing for you. The cost is only $247. For an additional $50 we can show you how to maintain your own listing using the computer and through your smartphone. After this initial service, we will gladly make changes to your Google My Business account for you for only $10 per incident. Give us a call at 973-413-8211 if you'd like help with your Google My Business account. |
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